
    About KV

    In the fast pace of today’s world, when technology in being upgraded every minute and every second, the biggest challenge that our youngsters face is to keep their cool while marching ahead full steam.
    We are taking quick strides to keep pace with the world & at the same time striving to attain the vision & mission of KVS. A very tall order indeed, but education is all about character and skill building. But unfortunately, today education has become a means /source for minting quick money. The focus is on end rather than the means. Well, our focus is on learning for life, preparing children to become good citizens, an excellent human beings – a son, a brother, a father , a daughter etc. We seek the blessings of the Almighty that he may enlighten us and help up to change darkness to light. To remove the thorns in the paths of knowledge. Jai Hind.